Liebster' is German for 'dearest'. The award is a 'share-the-love' arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers.
Here's the to-do list of any Liebster award recipient:
Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
Reveal your five blogger picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
Copy and paste the award on your blog (see above)
Hope that those you award forward it to their favorite bloggers.
Here are the bloggers I'm choosing to give this award to. Each of these ladies is part of my blog group called The Paper Dolls. Susan and Joyce are new to the group, but I "know" them from the PTI forum. I can say that every one of these women are extremely kind-hearted, thoughtful and very creative. Truly! From their commenting on blogs to their interactions on the forum. What a great bunch of ladies and a great collection of inspirational blogs.
Michelle: Michelle's Crafting Corner
Lee Anne: My Happy Place
Joyce: Cards-by-the-Sea
Susan: Mad Sky Designs
Renee: It's a Patchwork Life
Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

4 comments: are too sweet...
Thank You Sara!! :)
And now I'm've met LeeAnne!
Such a fabulous and inspiring person...
I hope someday we can all get together in one place and meet in real life...
a weekend crafting retreat!!
That's what we need! :)
Thank you so much for your kind words and for giving me this award. You are so sweet, and I am so honored. I hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Ha ha! Someone beat me to it! I just nominated you here Sara. You DO deserve two. ;)
Wow. What an honor - especially coming from you. I feel so blessed to have joined the group I did and to be able to "hang out" with all of you talented, personable and kind women. It's an honor!
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